Holy Spirit- He Leads Us to Difficult Places
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Sermon #8 He Leads Us to Difficult Places

Main Passage: (Acts 8:4-8, 26-40)


Following the promptings of the Holy Spirit can bring moments of inspiration and joy. Other times, following His direction can lead us to challenging places. But as we obey and follow, we will see God’s plan unfold. This is exactly what happened in the amazing story of Philip and his visit to Gaza. Today we will learn some key lessons about following God’s Spirit to remote places. Here God does some of His best work through us.


Remember the last time you had to experience a new place (i.e., a new job, new school, or new address). What was that experience like for you? Did your relationship with God play a role in this transition?


1st Change- Philip had to encounter some personal changes. (Acts 8:4-8, 26)

Following the Holy Spirit more may mean you possess less.



Would you settle for less if you could obey God more?


2nd Change- Philip had to change his missional strategy (Acts 8:27-31).

Noted Differences Between the two:

  • Skin Color
  • Nationality
  • Sexual Disposition [Eunuch, (Duet 23:1, see also Isa. 56:3-8)]
  • Knowledge of the Bible

Changes can be difficult. But fostering a real, live dialogue with the Holy Spirit daily can carry us through the moments of uncertainty.




Lessons from Going to Difficult Places

  1. We are still called to value every human by meeting them where they are. (Acts 8:32-35)


  1. When you are discussing the Bible, get people to Jesus as quickly as possible. (8:35, see also, Luke 24:27)


  1. Baptism should happen after someone believes in the Gospel message receiving salvation.
    • Acts 8:12, “… they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news and the name of Jesus Christ, they were ”
    • Acts 8:13, “…Simon, himself believed and was baptized.
    • Acts 8:36-38 “Look- here is water, what is hindering me from being baptized. Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.”
    • Acts 10:47-48, “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit.”
    • Acts 16:31-33, “They replied believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. . . then immediately he all his household were
    • Acts 19:4-6, “he told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is in Jesus. On hearing this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ”


What do you need to change in order to follow the voice of God.


Are you willing to talk about Christ with someone who is very different than you?

Take notes below