Commandment #4 The Gift of the Sabbath
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Commandment #4 The Gift of the Sabbath
Scripture Reading: Matthew 12:1–12 (ESV)

Key Points:

● Rest

○ Explanation: Jesus redefines rest by showing that the Sabbath is meant for our benefit, not as a burden. He uses examples from David’s life and the temple priests to illustrate that human need and divine service can take precedence over strict Sabbath rules.

○ Application: Trusting Christ enough to rest, recognizing the Sabbath as a day of gladness rather than restriction.

● Good Works

○ Explanation: Jesus emphasizes that doing good on the Sabbath is lawful and aligns with God’s will. He heals a man with a withered hand, demonstrating that mercy and compassion are more important than rigid adherence to rules.

○ Application: Prioritizing mercy over sacrifice, understanding the heart behind the Sabbath.

● Worship

○ Application: Making Sunday a day of worship and joy, planning ahead to ensure the Sabbath is a day of spiritual focus and resting in Christ.

Practical Applications:
● Preparing for Sunday worship by planning on Saturday night.
● Dressing our souls for the Sabbath with prayer.
● Engaging in corporate worship and fellowship.
● Doing good for the kingdom and our neighbors.
● Taking time to rest and renew our spirits.

Reflection and Questions:
● Is Sunday a day of climax or collapse for you?
● How can you better prepare for and honor the Sabbath?
● What steps can you take to make the Sabbath a day of joy and spiritual renewal?

● Observing the Sabbath is a counter-cultural opportunity to realign our priorities and reconnect with God and loved ones.
● Embracing Sabbath rest can transform our workweek and enhance our worship.
● As we trust God and rest from our labors, the Sabbath becomes a day of joy, worship, and renewal.

Additional Resources:

Perspectives on the Sabbath by Christopher John Donato.
Relevant Scripture: Exodus 20:8, Numbers 28:9-10, Exodus 16, Hosea 6:6,
Hebrews 10:25 (ESV): “Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.