Sermon 3: Understanding the Battle Lines
Rusty Wirt   -  

Sermon 3

Understanding the Battle Lines

Main Passages: Various Passages in Ephesians

According to the Apostle Paul you will have conflict in life. Here are a few things about this conflict (Eph 6:10-12)

  • It is spiritual in nature
  • It is personal
  • But you can prepare

Into the Text

1. The Pagan Community in Ephesus (Eph 4:17)

  1. This city was the epicenter of Roman religious activity
  2. The city contained the principle temple to Artemis and Diana and Emperor Hadrian

2. The Church community stood in contrast to these forces (4:20, 25-5:18)

  1. This requires Jesus followers to put off the old and put on the new (see battle card)

3. Living these Christ centered ethics was where the battle was (6:10-12)

  1. Put on new garment (the character of Christ)
  2. Put on full armor of God (the cause of Christ)


Look over the list of putting off and putting on. Do you see places for great conflict between the church and other entities and communities? Where do you see this battle front opening up in your own life?