Jonah is Preaching for God
Rusty Wirt   -  

Sermon 3: Jonah is Preaching for God 

Main Passage: Jonah 3 


Main Idea:

After facing the physical consequences for his actions, Jonah has now decided to obey God’s command. Which suggests to us that God’s discipline is for two things: our personal obedience and a far-reaching blessing. The other lesson we see is that our God gives second chances to leaders.


Into the Text

  1. God gives second chances to leaders who respond to God’s discipline (3:1-2)
  2. Cities are important to God and so is our response to cities (3:3-4) 
  3. Jonah’s message was simple, direct, and spoken (3:5)  
  4. God’s grace can grip people’s hearts in surprising ways (3:6-10) 



What community do you know needs the Gospel?

Are you convinced in the saving power of God’s grace?