Early On
Rusty Wirt   -  

Sermon 1: Early On

Main Passage: Mark 1:1-3

Background on Mark

  • The earliest of the Gospels (written around 65 AD)
  • Fast Paced (uses the phrase “And then” 151 times)
  • Mark (or John Mark) based his Gospel on interviews with Peter, sometimes referred to as a witness document
  • Written to encourage the persecuted Christians, after the death of Peter and the persecution of Nero

Into the Text

  1. Mark connects Jesus with the Gospel message (Mark 1:1-3).
  2. Mark ascribes a title to this central figure; Jesus Christ, Son of God
  3. Mark connects Jesus’ arrival to the Old Testament
    1. Mark did not create the concept of Messiah, but connects Jesus to the writings of the OT
      1. Ex. 23:20a, Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3

Key Question

What information do you have that contradicts Jesus’ position as King?


To you who is Jesus? And is he worthy of your surrender?