Has Stealing Become the New Norm? Has Stealing Become the New Norm? If you are like me, you are getting used to using self-check-out lines when you shop. Stores which hire...
Better Together Better Together Sometimes a single word can bring a thousand memories to mind, words like: “Mom,” “Dad” or “Sweetheart.” Some...
Hearing God’s Voice Hearing God’s Voice My friend, Bob Johnston, was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Rolla for over 30 years. He recently retired, but...
Dangerous Up and Down Dangerous Up and Down A few years ago, I read an Our Daily Bread devotional by Mike Wittmer, about a mountain climber who reached the...
Commitment to a Higher Purpose Commitment to a Higher Purpose Each Christmas someone in my family gives me a book they know I will use for future columns. This year my...
Incorrect Assumptions Incorrect Assumptions “What in the world were you thinking, Kenneth Ray… The very idea! What are people going to think when they hear...
God Can Bring Good from Bad God Can Bring Good from Bad I recently finished, Before We Were Yours, a fascinating novel by Lisa Wingate. Her book tells the story of...
A Fresh Start A Fresh Start Those who read my last column may remember I wrote about Michael and Matthew Clark; two brothers with leukodystrophy, a fatal...
Achieving Maturity Achieving Maturity Yahoo published a fascinating article in 2012 about two brothers, Michael and Matthew Clark who were living normal lives...