Christianity— Stronger than You Think Christianity— Stronger than You Think Christian anthropologist Jim Denison says in his June 28, 2023, Daily Article, we need to ask why...
Be A Hero By Serving My Jesus I Love Thee William Featherston was born in Montreal Canada in 1846. He would die there when he was only 26. His life did not...
God Loves Us Unconditionally God Loves Us Unconditionally I love the parables found in scripture. Jesus often used these fictional stories to teach spiritual truth in...
Amazing Power of Teamwork The Amazing Power of Teamwork A couple of weeks ago I was privileged to serve as the photographer for the “Joni and Friends Missouri...
Helping Others Helping Others Five-year-old Beth Usher experienced up to 100 seizures every day. She often injured herself when she fell during one of her...
Honoring the Overlooked Honoring the Overlooked Far too often those who work behind the scenes are either ignored or viewed as less valuable than their upfront...
Grandchildren Grandchildren As my wife and I approach the first birthday of our first grandchild I have been thinking about my first year as a...
Do Your Best Each Day Do Your Best Each Day Most of you who read my weekly columns do not know that my friend David Shaw helps me edit each column you read....
Small Steps Small Steps Dr. Jim Denison recently authored a fascinating Daily Article, about a piece which appeared in the MIT Technology Review. It...