Commandment #7 Do not Commit Adultery
Rusty Wirt   -  

Top Ten: Commandment #7, Do Not Commit Adultery

Main Verse: Exodus 20:14, and various other verses

7th Command (Exodus 20:14)

You shall not commit adultery.



What Makes a Biblical Marriage?

  1. Social (the legal and cultural aspects, Romans 13:1, 7)
  2. Physical (the intimate and sexual aspects, Matthew 19:4-6)
  3. Covenantal (the divine aspect, Malachi 2:14, Ephesians 5:21)

In the Text

The Old Testament’s Warnings (Proverbs 6:27-29, 32)

  1. Destroys trust in a marriage
  2. Destroys bonds with children
  3. Destroys reputations in the community

Jesus’ Teaching (Mathew 5:27-28)

  1. Adultery is more than physical
  2. Adultery always starts in the heart
  3. Adultery must be strongly dealt with

Grace is Powerful (John 8:10-11)

  1. Sin is real (feel the Holy Spirit’s conviction)
  2. So is God’s grace (live without condemnation)



  • If Have not committed adultery, don’t
  • If you have committed adultery, confess
  • If you struggle with porn, get help