Commandment #8 Do Not Steal
Rusty Wirt   -  

 Top Ten: Commandment #8, Do Not Steal

Main Verse: Exodus 20:15, and various other verses


We don’t have God’s love because we obey His commandments. We have God’s commandments because we have received His love.


8th Command (Exodus 20:15)

You shall not steal.

In the Text 

This commandment echoes throughout the Bible in three clear ways:

  1. Employers stealing from employees (James 5:3-5)
    1. Failing to pay is a form of stealing
    2. God sides with the victim not the aggressor
  2. Employees stealing from employers (Titus 2:9-10)
    1. Your faith at work is only as good as your good work ethic
    2. Attitude is important
  3. Citizens stealing from the government (Romans 13:5-7)
    1. Paul writes this command even though Nero is Emperor
    2. We pay taxes for God has called us to be good citizens
  4. Believers stealing from God (Malachi 3:8-12)
    1. God doesn’t change (we can depend on Him)
    2. But you can rob from Him
    3. And you don’t need to


  • Are you stealing now? Stop, receive grace and bring restitution.
  • Do you want to avoid stealing? Be generous.