Commandment #9 Do Not Lie
Rusty Wirt   -  

 Top Ten: Commandment #9, Do Not Lie

Main Verse: Exodus 20:16, and various other verses


We don’t have God’s love because we obey His commandments. We have God’s commandments because we have received His love.

9th Command (Exodus 20:16)

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.


First Things First

God loves the truth (Titus 1:2)

God loves your neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39)


The Various Types of Lies in the Bible

1.Flattery- a lie to manipulate others with praise (Psalm 12:2)

  • The praise is inflated, and the motive is hidden

2. Deception- a lie that is quickly believed without verification

  •  Others are deceiving you – 1 John 3:7
  • You are deceiving yourself – Galatians 6:7-8

3. Slander- a lie that destroys a person’s reputation (Colossians 3:7-8)

  • Slander on social media is instant, global, and permanent

4. Heresy- a lie about God’s essential truths (2 Peter 2:1-2)



  • Review your input of words
  • Review you output of words
  • Recommit to Jesus