Idol of Alcohol
Title: The Idol of Alcohol
Key Thought:
St Louis is a beer loving town. Its ubiquitous presence is a deep part of our culture here. Yet just because alcohol is commonly accepted does not mean it can’t become an idol. The Bible is not silent on the use of alcohol. And today’s teaching we will see how best to handle this reality to keep it from becoming an idol of addiction inside of us.
Supporting Points:
The Jews in the Ancient Near East were experts in vineyard keeping and wine making.
- It was safer than water.
- Was used to treat wounds and to dye cloth.
- Wine was used in religious ceremonies.
The Bible often suggests that wine is a sign of God’s blessing.
- Duet. 7:13; 11:14; 28:38, 51
- Eccl. 9:7
- Amos 9:14
Drunkenness is always viewed as a sin
- Romans 13:13
- 1 Peter 4:3
It’s the addiction to wine that indicates that this blessing of God has moved into the category of idol in competition with God.
So, Paul’s advice is the most helpful (Ephesians 5).
Be careful and wise (5:15-16)
- Careful (speaks of accuracy)
- Wise- based upon the way the real-world works.
Don’t get drunk (5:18-20)
- This leads to debauchery.
- Instead, be fill up with God’ Spirit
- Use singing and music making.
- Thanking God
Tips on healthy drinking
- Don’t drink alone.
- Drink with food.
- Drink on purpose.
- Know how much you consume.
- Take seasonal breaks.
If alcohol is a problem for you, then
- Tell someone.
- Get help.