Rusty Wirt   -  

Inclusion Sunday, One Body

Main Verse: I Corinthians 12:4-6, 12-19, 21-26)



Paul wrote a letter to address a series of problems plaguing the Corintian Church. He wrote to diagnose the problems and then offered his solutions. In each of the solutions, he included a word about unity around the Gospel message.  This approach is helpful as we work together to include all individuals from various backgrounds. This idea is especially central.

In the Text 

Paul Teaches Radical Unity amid Diversity

  1. There are different types of contributions, but we are established as one (12:4-6) 
  1. There are different kinds of people, but we are designed by one (12:12-19) 
  1. There are different parts to play but we are interdependent within the one (12:21-26)



  • Paul called us to a radical love in our differences (1 Cor. 13)
  • This must include families who have neurodivergent members