It Starts Early
Rusty Wirt   -  

Sermon 1: It Started Early 

Main Passages: Several 

  Main Idea: We sometimes think that charity and kindness are strictly New Testament ideas. But the truth is that God compelled His people in the Old Testament to care for those outside who were often disenfranchised, weak, or poor. As early as the Torah (which means, teaching or instruction), we see God leading his people to be unique among the other nation in their care for others. We will examine some chief examples of this in today’s sermon.


Into the Text

Moses spoke plainly about the need to care for others

a. Deut. 10:19, 15:7-11

b. Levi. 19:34

Solomon spoke of the wisdom in caring for the poor

a. 14:21, 14:31, 16:19, 19:17, 22:9, 16

Jeremiah preaches a very unpopular message (Jer. 7:1-8):

1. God will allow you to live in the land if…

a, Deal with each other justly

b. Do not oppress the alien, orphans or widows

c. Do not offer your children up for sacrifice (which is a form of idol worship)

2. Then…,

a. I will let you live in this place

b. But the people did not listen and God finalized his discipline

(Jer. 39:5-10)


Key Question:

How are we doing? How do we avoid the same sin (and perhaps the same judgement)?



We have a plan to lead the church in connecting the two worlds of in here and out there. And everyone is invited to participate.