Jesus, the Teacher and Healer
Sermon 3: Jesus, the Teacher and Healer
Main Passage: Mark 1:14-39
Main Thought: One of the most prominent features of Jesus’ life was his position as a Rabbi. He, like so many first century Rabbis, called people into an apprenticeship relationship with him. But Jesus was not like any other teacher. He was unique in so many ways. Today we will look at some of the unique features of Jesus impactful ministry.
Into the Text
- Jesus connects the good news with the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15)
- Jesus was serious about preaching this good news
- Jesus was clear about proclaiming this new kingdom
- What is the relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Church?
- The is Church is not the Kingdom of God but rather a community of the Kingdom.
- The Kingdom of God is the rule of God in the hearts of humans
- The Kingdom creates the church, not the other way around.
- The Church is the physical and local instrument of the spiritual Kingdom.
- Jesus is the King of this Kingdom and the head of the Church
- Jesus calls normal people like you and me to follow him
- Jesus breaks with tradition in seeking out students
- Martin Hegel- “Normally students would seek out a particular rabbi and ask to follow him. Jesus instead approaches disciples and calls them.”
- Jesus is calling them to fish for people.
- Bring people into a new reality
- Jesus desires to use you to reach others
- Jesus shows his kingship with more than words- but with deeds
- Jesus spoke with power
- But Jesus also acted with power
- Commanding unclean spirits (telling it what to do and where to go)
- Healing Peter’s mother-in-law
- Healing the townspeople
Jesus’ Timeline
- Traveled to Galilee (called disciples)
- Traveled to Capernaum (preached and healed)
- Traveled to Peter’s mother-in-law’s house (healed her)
- Healed many from that whole city
Notice one feature of Jesus endurance. Jesus made time with God a priority
- A specific time
- A specific setting
- A specific place
- A specific purpose
Jesus is a powerful king that you can trust. He backs up his claims with his actions.
- Are you a disciple of Jesus (or just an observer of Jesus)?
- Do you see the power of Jesus’ rhythms of ministry?