Jonah is Arguing with God
Sermon 4: Jonah is Arguing with God
Main Passage: Jonah 4
Into the Text
- Jonah was offended by God’s grace (4:1-2)
- For Jonah, God’s grace is the source of Jonah’s offense.
- If you are offended by God’s grace towards other people’s sin then you don’t fully understand your own sin. And you don’t fully understand God’s grace.
- What acceptable sins are you now accepting as acceptable behaviors?
- Jonah’s perception crashed into God’s reality (4:1-2)
- When our limited perceptions crash into God’s eternal character we are on the verge of a divine insight
- God reminds Jonah of His big plan (4:10-11)
- God’s big plan is to show concern.
- God’s big idea is to use us in His plan.
For you, who is it that is difficult to love?
How can you show concern for someone who is far from God?