VII #6: Message to the Church in Thyatira
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Sermon 6: Message to the Church in Thyatira

Key Verse: Revelation 2:18-29


What are the new sources you are watching? What books, blogs and posts are you reading. Who do you follow on Instagram? Whose advice are you listening to? Or who do you want to impress? Who do you regard as intelligent and worthy of respect. These are not just random questions. They are actually gauges. Your answers to these questions register who is shaping your heart and influencing your future. We need to mind these gauges carefully. Jesus was astutely watching the gauges of the Church in Thyatira. He saw many good things. But also saw some indicators of unhealth. And because Jesus loves this church, He did what any kind and wise leader would do- He shared the truth. This truth He shared not only sustained this congregation but gave them an eternal hope.



What are the voices that are shaping your mind and heart these days? How are these drawing you closer to Jesus?


The Text

  1. Jesus wants to shape us and has the authority to do so. (2:18)
    1. Thyatira was known for its metal working shops where crafts men would bend shapes by intense fires and the force of hammers. Often these trades people and artisans were organized into trade guilds
  2. Jesus recognizes our healthy behaviors- and He wants us to grow in them (2:19)
    1. Works (Do something for Jesus)
    2. Love (Love someone toward Jesus)
    3. Faith (believe in the reality of Jesus)
    4. Service (Contribute to the community of Jesus)
    5. And your steady growth in this area


Pause- what we are learning here is a nuanced look at the health of churches and Christian lives. We can excel in some areas while at the same time be lacking in others. Doing well with one feature of our Christian walk should not excuse us from trying to improve in another area of weakness.


  1. Jesus warns against involving ourselves in other systems and organizations that have religious overtones or paganist rituals.
    1. The Prophetess Jezebel
      1. Leading church members into idolatrous rituals
      2. Leading church members to practice sexual immorality
  • “It is known that the city had many trade guilds, and it would have been difficult to make a living without participating in one of them. Yet, the guilds practice idolatrous rites at their gatherings, which Christians could not tolerate. Therefore, the Christians in Thyatira may have been hard pressed to support themselves and their families without resorting to some measure of compromise with idolatry.”
  1. I see a personal and church wide application here
    1. Guard against toying with demonic, or pagan rituals
    2. Guard against the relaxing of sexual guidelines
  2. Jesus gives us a future promise
    1. We will have authority to rule.
    2. We are still saved by grace
    3. But we will rule by our faithfulness




Do you believe Jesus has the authority to mold and shape you?

What is one area of your life that needs to be hammered on by Jesus’ wisdom and truth?


Table Talk Card

Please use these questions throughout the week to discuss the message with family and friends.



Take notes below