Sermon 4: God Uses Our Frailty to Highlight His Supremacy
Rusty Wirt   -  

Sermon 4 – 12/22/24  

God Uses Our Frailty to Highlight His Supremacy 

Main Passages: Luke 1:26-38 

Mary had many reasons to be insecure. She seemed ill-equipped to handle the load placed upon her. But as we look into Luke’s account of her story, we see a couple of features that can help us through feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. 

1. She discovered that God knew her story, her name, and where she lived (Luke 1:26-27)

        a. God knows you and is involved in your                                day-to-day details

2. She received, but asked questions about God’s                     message (1:28-37)

 a. Asking questions is not the opposite of faith-                   but a serious demonstration of faith.

3. She learned that accepting God’s plan does not erase        all questions.

a. For Mary…

i. Was “greatly troubled” (1:29)

ii. “wondered what kind of greeting” (1:29)

iii. Was full of questions “how will this be?” (1:34)

iv. “Astonished” and “Anxious” (2:48)



What are you surrendering yourself to these days. Would you take the risk of surrendering to God this Christmas season?