Top Ten: Why We Need Them
Rusty Wirt   -  

Main Verse: Exodus 19, and Various Others


Key Thought: A common mantra today is the pursuit of maximal freedom- I want to do what I want when I want, and with whom I want.  Yet, this level of personal autonomy is a paradox.  Total freedom frequently works as a limiting force in life. When we pursue absolute liberty initially, we will consistently experience absolute misery eventually. This is not unlike the Hebrew people during the exodus. By God’s hand they were finally released from centuries of oppressive rule in Egypt. Though they were set free, they were not living free. They started to live as slaves to their own sin. But God, like a loving father, wanted to set them free once again. Except this time around, God did not give them 10 miracles but 10 commandments. This powerful section of Scripture has reverberated through 3000 years of human history. These words help us understand God’s heart and how our own hearts can be free. For true freedom is found within godly limits.


The Problem:

The quest for total autonomy can bring one to the brink of:

  • Legal trouble
  • Financial trouble
  • Relational trouble
  • Health trouble
  • Addiction trouble


The Solution:

  • Godly Limits


Supporting Points

Two Key Questions:

  1. What can the Church learn today from the 10 Commandments?
    • God desires a unique, close-knit relationship with his people.
      • God has a special plan for the nation by granting them:
      • Protection (19:4)
      • Privilege (19:5)
      • And a Priestly Identity (19:6)
      • Thus, God gives special commands to those with whom He has a special relationship.
  2. What is God’s relationship with the Nation of Israel today
    • God promised an eternal heir on David’s throne (2 Samuel 7:6, 13; Psalm 89:4, 36).
    • The Angel Gabriel foretold of Jesus occupying David’s throne (Luke 1:32-33).
    • Peter preached to the church that Jesus was the rightful heir to David’s throne (Acts 2:29-30, 36).
    • Conclusion: Jesus is our eternal king, and the Church is the new Israel (Gal. 6:16 1 Peter 2:9).


  • Commit to memorizing the 10 Commandments.
  • Identify where you need limits.