We are Concord – Elders
Rusty Wirt   -  

Title: We Are Concord

Main Passage: Various


The Big Question:

Should the Bible influence how the Church should be structured?


The Problem (Background on the Church at Ephesus):

  • Basing authoritative teachings on something other than the Scriptures (1 Timothy 1:3-7)
  • Basing teaching on a philosophy know as asceticism. (1 Timothy 4:3-6)


Asceticism- the idea of denying yourself pleasure as a matter of discipline to grow detached from your body and the created world around you. In some Jewish circles this became the prescribed path toward holiness.



Paul’s Solution:

Good Leadership


Key Terms:

A grouping of words in the New Testament that refer to the senior position of leadership within a church. “Elder” (presbutueros), speaks of someone advanced in years and experience, while having the respect of the community. Pastor (poimen), refers to the work of caring for the spiritual needs of a congregation. Overseer (episcopos), is in reference to this office overseeing and managing the temporal affairs of the church work. All three terms point to the same office.


8 Key Observations

  1. Elders are present in both the Old and New Testament. Number 11:16-25
  2. Elders provide service with humility. Acts 20:17-18
  3. Elders must be ready to face the hardships of leadership.  Acts 20:19
  4. Elders ensure the preaching is Acts 20:20, 27
    1. Helpful
    2. Doctrinal
  5. Elders love all people and not just the people from their own clan. Acts 20:21
  6. Elder must be committed to the long haul of completing the task. Acts 20:22-24
  7. Elders must protect the flock from wolves. Acts 20:29-31
    1. Legal Wolves
    2. Doctrinal Wolves
    3. Divisive Wolves
  8. Elders must use their power for generosity toward the weak. Acts 20:32-35, 1 Peter 5:1-4


  • Pray (ask God for direction)
  • Read (absorb out our information)
  • Decide (activate your selection

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