Upcoming Ways to Connect!!
Community Giveaway (Spring/Fall)
Fall 2023 Community Giveaway
Lots of VOLUNTEERS are needed, and there is a wide variety of days, times, and tasks! We can use you for an hour or more, sitting or standing, talking to people or behind the scenes.
Butterfly Haven
Every child deserves to be cared for and loved. Butterfly Haven serves children in the St. Louis area who are impacted by foster care, adoptive families, and families in crisis situation by providing an network of support, as well as offering pratical items and other resources.
Give online at concordchurch.com/give to help with mailing costs (select Butterfly Haven in the drop-down menu) or write a check with the ministry name on the memo line.
- Twin Sheets
- Twin Blankets
- Body Lotion, Shampoo, and Conditioner (including those formulated for people of color)
Volunteer to sort donations at 8505 Mid County Industrial Drive
· Volunteer to stock the pantry and resource room (@ address above)
· Help with special events (birthday parties, family outings, Christmas party, etc.)
Host a no-sew blanket making party
Sponsor a child for a birthday party ($30)
Joni & Friends
Joni and Friends desires to see every person with a disability come to know Jesus and find hope, dignity and their place in the body of Christ. They focus on serving the physical, spiritual & relational needs of families and individuals living with all sorts of disabilities and special needs through marriage/parent/caregiver support groups, respite events, annual Family Retreats, annual marriage Getaways & other special events.
Give online at concordchurch.com/give (select Joni & Friends in the drop-down menu) or write a check with the ministry name on the memo line.
Volunteer to make phone calls or make & send cards
Volunteer to drop off care packages
Volunteer at a Family Retreat
Serve in the Chair Corps (collecting used manual wheelchairs, canes, crutches & walkers)
Make cards for Valentine’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Thanksgiving & Christmas
Sponsor a couple for a Marriage Getaway
Sponsor a family for a Family Retreat
Enter a team in the annual – Walk-N-Roll fundraiser event
For more information about getting involved directly with Joni and Friends, please check out their website at www.joniandfriends.org/missouri
Homeless Ministries
Ministering to the homeless can seem overwhelming, it is a harsh reality that many people face day in and day out. A group of individuals at Concord offer ongoing assistance by preparing lunches twice a month and helping with other special events and giveaways.
Adult hats, gloves, scarves, socks & underwear (new)
Travel-size toiletries
Jars of peanut butter and/or jelly, individually wrapped granola/candy bars, single serving chips
Volunteer to help make lunches the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:00am.
Volunteer to help make care kits
Or give online at concordchurch.com/give (select Homeless Ministry in the drop-down menu) or write a check with the ministry name on the memo line.
Sponsor a drive in your class, neighborhood, or place of employment for the donation items listed above. Provide peanut butter and jelly for one week’s lunches (14 large jars pb, 12 jars jelly)
Provide individual-size bags of chips for one week’s lunches (200 bags)
Provide granola bars or candy bars for one week’s lunches (200 bars)
We are Here FOR Jesus
Jesus is FOR You
Service Times on Sundays
Connection Classes 9AM
Worship 10:30 AM