Connie Maloy

Advisory Council

I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma as the youngest of 4, where life revolved around family, school and the First Baptist Church I asked Jesus to be my Savior when I was 8 and was baptized.  I grew up learning to love Jesus and serve Him by participating in Sunday School, Sunbeams (anyone remember?), GAs, children’s choirs, Training Union, youth group/council, youth choir/ensembles, summer camps, etc. 

After graduating from Okla State Univ, I moved to St. Louis in late 1977 to work for Southwestern Bell in Finance/IT (later SBC/AT&T), from which I retired at the end of 2021.  I joined Concord in 1978.  I got involved in adult choir and the singles group right away.  Shortly afterward, I started accompanying youth choir and the Sunday night services thru the 80s.  I have worked in GAs, children’s choirs, been a youth Sunday School teacher, spent several years in the Toddler room, helped in 5th grade room, Fine Arts Ministry and was Chairman of the Trustees in the 90sI am currently the Director of Adult 7, coordinate offering counters, coordinate team to clean coffee pots/kitchen after Sunday mornings, help with Women’s Ministry, and participate in a neighborhood Bible study. 

My son (Brian) & daughter (Carrie Wahlman) grew up at Concord, are Jesus-followers/workers for Him, and are raising 6 grandchildren to know Jesus. 

I would describe myself as reliable, logical, consistent, willing to listen to wise counsel, and having a conservative viewpoint.  Besides moving to StL alone, which was challenging, a significant/shaping event in my life was the loss of my dad at the end of 3rd grade.  Over the years growing up, I witnessed God place people in our lives during different seasons to care for us in ways we needed.  I personally saw Him care for the fatherless and the widow.  He is a good and loving God!  I consider myself quite fortunate and blessed!