Tim serves as pastor of senior adults and discipleship at Concord Church. He has been serving at Concord since June 2019. Tim Richards grew up in rural Southeast Missouri and graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. During almost 40 years as a pastor he has served six churches, three in rural Missouri and three in St. Louis.
Tim and his wife Kelly live in South County. Their five children are scattered across the country. Tim is passionate about God, his family, people, writing and preaching. He is also an avid photographer whose online pictures have been viewed nearly four million times online.
Tim has been writing a weekly newspaper column for more nearly 30 years. It currently appears in 15 newspapers. In addition, his column is also emailed to many each week. Finally, he is the author of two books, Thriving in the Storm, published in 2018 and his second book, Soaring in the Storm, was released in 2020.